Monday, December 3, 2012

The Keyboard and The Cold

Today is Monday, and I am fairly certain that I know how this day is going to go.  It has nothing to do with my plans for the day, which include a hair appointment and the exterminator making his two-month visit and a way too long to-do list.  It has everything to do with the fact that Aaron has a cold and is staying home today, which makes him very happy.  But there is one thing that would make him happier and so this one thing will consume his thoughts, which will in turn shape my day.  This one thing, this huge thing, is his keyboard.

Aaron's computer took its last breath over a week ago.  Aaron even demonstrated to us several times the unusual noise that his computer made as it breathed its last.  His rendition was quite hilarious, as Aaron would say.  So Gary, our computer pro (thank the Lord!), diagnosed Aaron's computer as dead.......very dead, of unknown causes.  Aaron took the news well, especially when he heard his dad say that he would fix it - one way or another.  After all, we have to live with Aaron.   It turned out that Gary had to order a new computer and many parts and pieces, which he somehow knew how to put together (thank the Lord again.......and Gary!).  I have no idea how Gary has this knowledge, but I do believe he was just born with this innate ability to be able to put almost anything together.  I walked downstairs one night after the parts arrived in the mail and found Gary with multiple screws, most very small, and lots of computer-looking things laying around.............and I wondered how this was all going to turn out.  But he did it and now Aaron has a new computer. 

We remove Aaron's keyboard from his room every night because if he has his keyboard in the morning he is very grouchy.  This routine works  well and Aaron has come to expect it.  He knows that if he has a good morning, then when he returns from his group, his keyboard will be on his desk - just waiting for him!  And now with his new computer, and having been without a computer for many days, he is totally enjoying  his games again. 

This past Friday,  Aaron woke up with a mild sore throat.  On Saturday, the sore throat was worse and now he has a bad cold.  He has still been playing his Lego Star Wars game, but has also been sleeping more and coughing more, and of course, snorting more.............snorting a lot.  And telling us over and over again that he doesn't feel well.  He has to be sure that we don't lose sight of that fact.

On Friday night, after gorging on popcorn at the movie with his group that afternoon, and then gorging again when he was invited to Elijah's house for the evening, he burped.  He burped and then he informed me, "Mom, hot acid just came through that place where my throat is sore." 

Well, that's just gross, Aaron!  But he is puzzled at my reaction.  Facts are facts, Mom.

Last night he said, "I hate my breath."  I was about to say that I do, too...........but I refrained.  He then explained, after I asked, that he doesn't like how it feels to breathe when he has this cold..........all stopped up and then coughing, too.  So he hates his breath.  Only Aaron would say it in such a way, and I smile.

I told him that he could stay home today since he is feeling so poorly and having breath issues.  This news made Aaron very happy.  He loves his group but he does love being at home, especially when he doesn't feel so well.  However, the main thing on Aaron's mind is his keyboard...........his keyboard which is laying on my dresser and not on his desk. 

He lumbered downstairs early this morning and sat at the kitchen table with me.  "I don't feel so well, Mom."   I totally expected this.  I almost said it for him.  He brightened when I told him that I was aware of how he feels and that he was staying home today.  And he replied, "I'm not going to ask for my keyboard today.  Am I?"
We had a little stare-down.  I was totally resigning myself to my future for this day, and Aaron was completely unaware.   He continued by asking, "What do you think?" 

Believe me Aaron, you do not want to know what I am thinking. 

I assured him that he could have the keyboard later in the day, knowing very well that I have not heard the end of his keyboard comments.  This is my lot for today.  And sure enough, as I folded a load of laundry he said, "Mom, can I have the keyboard later?  I'm not making you!"   This, and various other keyboard references, have already been a part of my morning.  He also said, "Mom, I like my new keyboard box.  It has a cute light where I turn on my keyboard." 

A keyboard box.  This is what he calls his new computer.  I could never make up the words that he uses to describe things, and I smile even as I tuck that description away so that I can share it with Gary later.

Aaron decided to go out to the mulch awhile ago.  "Mom, I'm going outside.  Can I have my keyboard later?"  And just now, when I heard him come in, he was soon asking, "Mom, I'm going upstairs.  Can you put my keyboard up?"

Aaron is tenacious, that's for sure.  He holds on to his ideas and desires until we let go.  He may change his approach, as he just said, "Mom?  How 'bout you do it after your shower?"  I know he works better if he has a definite time frame to work with.  He doesn't allow us the freedom to be vague. 

Here he comes again.  Like I said, this is my day.  Gotta love Aaron!  And I better get something concrete set in place regarding his keyboard, real quick! 

So goes my day.

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