Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Slipper Socks

When the weather gets cold, Aaron likes to get out his slipper socks and start wearing them.  They become a permanent part of his pajama-wear during the winter. 

Yesterday evening I was on the computer and heard Aaron come thumping loudly down the stairs.  He plopped down in the chair beside my computer desk and started talking.  I turned my chair to look at him and this is what I saw on his feet:

"Uh, Aaron, one of your slipper socks isn't on right."  He looked down at his feet and said, "What's wrong with it?"  I told him that his slipper sock needed to be turned around and so he started turning the one around that was on his foot correctly.  HaHa!  He thought the cute designs should be on the top of his foot! 

So I told him that the little non-sliding thingies go on the bottom of your foot.  And he was surprised at that.   We discussed what the little puffy designs are really for and why that slipper sock needed to be turned around.  He turned the sock the right way and thumped happily back up the stairs.

Funny how many things we take for granted that he should know.  Maybe I've never paid attention to how he wears his slipper socks in the past - but I will now! 

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