This past Saturday was a big day for Aaron. That’s the day that we had his room
painted. The popcorn ceiling was removed
and then the ceiling was painted; his walls were repaired and painted; and then
the hall bathroom was painted as well. “Us
kid’s bathroom,” as Aaron calls it. It’s
fun to have a room painted, especially when you’re not doing it yourself. We hired our neighbor’s friend, Rudy, to do
the job for us.

Aaron tilted his head as he often does and was silent as he
thought about what we had just told him.
He was staring out ahead, but we knew that in his head things were
happening. You could almost hear the
wheels turning as Gary and I waited with apprehension for his reaction. Finally he spoke.
“Are you moving my book shelf with all my DVDs on it?” he
We told him that we were going to move it.
“They need to be in order!” he told us. “You’re not taking them off, are you?”
We assured him that we could move the book case without
removing his DVDs……DVDs that are in a particular order and should not be
disturbed by us mere mortal parents who have no idea of the importance of that
On the next day, Monday, during supper again, Aaron asked
about having his room painted. “You’re
not messing up my DVDs, are you?” he once again asked. And we once again assured him that we would
not mess them up.
“Well, can I play my computer? Will it be messed up?” he anxiously asked
us. So we assured him that his computer
would not be messed up and that he would be able to play it again.
“After the room is painted, can I hang my calendar?” he
wanted to know.

We told him that he could hang his calendar after we
decided where all his new wall art was going to be hung…..but yes, he would
definitely have his calendar. The
smallest things are huge to him. There
is no such thing as a small change in Aaron's life.
And later that night, we heard the question again. “So you’re moving my book shelf and
DVDs? You won’t mess them up, will you?” This is when I began praying that we wouldn’t
tip the book case over and spill the DVDs.
I couldn’t even imagine that scene.
On Tuesday, Aaron looked at us with worry as we told him
that we would move his things out of his room on Friday night. “Can I play my
computer just one last time before we paint my room?” he questioned. He sounded like he was making his dying wish,
for heaven’s sake! This was just
Tuesday, but he was wanting to be sure that on Friday night he could play it
just before we moved it.
Over the next several days, he continued to ask questions
and to try to adjust to this huge coming disruption. The big move on Friday evening went
smoothly. Gary even hooked Aaron’s
computer up in Andrew’s room, still on Aaron’s own desk, and he was one happy
camper…..despite the change.
We then broke the news to him that he would be sleeping in
Andrea’s bed on that night. He was very
skeptical about this prospect. I praised
her bed and extolled all of its comfort and convenience, but he wasn’t
convinced. He said it wasn’t the same
size as his, and I told him it was. He
said his sheets didn’t fit on it as well as I took her sheets off and put his
on, but I told him they did. I shot down
all of his arguments as we placed his covers on the bed in their particular
order that he likes and as we placed his snake, skunk, and frog in their
certain places.
I got him tucked in, turned the light off, and said one
last good-night as I closed the door. I
went to my room, but it wasn’t long at all before I heard that he was out of
bed. I opened his door and found him
sitting on the bed, signing his bedtime log.
Of course. It’s important for him
to record the time he goes to bed and the time he gets up. Once that was done, I tucked him in again and
turned off the light. He was in bed once
I was washing my face when I heard the knock on our bedroom
door. “Mom?” I heard Aaron ask. “Can we watch Wheel of Fortune tomorrow?”
Yes, Aaron, we’ll watch Wheel of Fortune tomorrow. Now go to bed.
“Well, I don’t really want to sleep in Andrea’s bed.”
Go to bed, Aaron.
So he went to bed, where I tucked him in once again.
It didn’t take long until there was another knock on our
“Is it going to rain?” he wanted to know. I told him I didn’t think so. “I mean, like a storm?” he asked.
No, Aaron, it’s not going to storm. Go to bed.
He went to bed again.
Soon I heard it.
Thump, thump, thump. Aaron was
going down the stairs. He was back
upstairs before long, where he told me that he went downstairs to say something
to Gary…..anything to keep from getting in bed.
Aaron…..Go. To. Bed.
He did. And he stayed,
His report the next morning: “I didn’t sleep well. It’s not like my bed where the covers don’t
move a lot.” I didn’t have the energy at
that point to ask him to explain that one.

“It’s 8:00,” he said.
“I need to shower.” His shower is
at 8:00 every night, or shortly thereafter.
NEVER before 8:00. Just so you
know. We do.
I took his towel and pajamas into our bathroom, which once
again didn’t thrill Aaron. “I wish this
man wasn’t here,” he lamented. “And I
wish I was back in my room.”
Well, the next night he WAS back in his room. I was worried because Gary wanted to move
Aaron’s furniture around. I just knew
that this would tip the boat, and be too much change for Aaron. We used our excited voices when we showed it
to him. All he cared about was: were his DVDs messed up; was his computer going
to work there: and when could he hang his calendar. He was pretty unimpressed with everything
else, and pretty irritated as we showed him some new things about his
“You guys think I don’t know anything about my room!” he
impatiently told us. So we kept quiet as
he went on playing his computer game. The amazing thing was that he handled the
new room with ease. That was a surprise
for me! He even slept in his bed that
night, happily, despite the fact that his nightstand holding his lamp and his
clock were on the opposite side from where they usually are. He’s also putting his Handy Answer book on
his night stand shelf instead of on the floor like he prefers, and tried to do
the first day. Progress!!
He followed me as I carried his coffee upstairs to his room
on Monday morning. “Can we put the
coffee on the shelf like we used to before that man came over?” he asked. He refers to the painter, Rudy, as “that man.” And he says it with an element of disgust, so
it shows me that he really is somewhat frustrated by all of this change. And he blames it on our painter, because
Aaron has to blame someone for his discomfort.
Aaron’s room being painted is a huge improvement, though he
doesn’t seem to care one bit about it.
But just as huge is how well he did with this interruption to his
routine, and how easily he has adjusted to his new room.
Also huge: his DVDs
didn’t get one bit messed up. Thank you,
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