It was a beautiful spring day, not too hot or too cold – just a perfect day for some outside work. I had been looking at our grouping of Rose of Sharon bushes that grow on one side of our yard. I knew it was time for their spring pruning and so I decided that today was the perfect day for that. I need a fair amount of time for that chore because I prune each branch by hand, one by one, as well as cleaning out underneath the bushes where weeds and volunteer plants grow at will. I took my garden utensils outside and began the clipping, standing back every now and then to be sure that I was keeping the height even or to see if I had missed a branch.

As the weeks passed, I watched closely for the tiny little green leaves to appear that would signal to me that the pruning had been beneficial. Sure enough, as the days warmed even more, the sun shone brighter, and the spring rains fell, I began to see the new leaves emerge. Yet there was one area that was lagging behind. The bush on the end where Gary and I had cut out the extra growth, where Gary had done the deeper pruning, was still barren. As the other bushes started filling out, full of bright green leaves, this end was still empty and brown. It looked uglier as the days passed. The contrast was sharp as it stood starkly void of leaves – made even more barren and unsightly with the pretty green backdrop of the growing bushes around it.

I’ve pondered a lot lately about how many times our lives are like that Rose of Sharon. Sometimes God has some pruning to do, cutting away the unnecessary in order to shape us into what we need to be. This pruning is never pleasant, for pruning involves chopping and chopping usually hurts. Issues like pride, selfishness, immaturity……….so much unwanted growth in our lives must be severed in order for us to grow into maturity. And there are seasons when the pruning goes very deep. God knows when we need that extra pruning, the deep cutting and shaping that is even more painful than anything we have experienced before. It hurts………….hurts terribly……….and we can either trust our Master Gardener or we can turn away in rebellion and pain.

James spoke about this matter of suffering in the familiar verses of James 1:2-4: “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." Isn’t it interesting that the word “various” mean “multi-colored?” Not one of us suffers the same as another. God has “multi-colored” ways of shaping and growing each of us. The word “perfect” means “maturity” and the word “complete” carries the idea of “full development.” So God is telling us to be joyful in the middle of the multi-colored trials that He uses in our pruning, knowing that in the end, if we allow it, we will mature into the full development that God desires.
In the cutting and the clipping, God is shaping us and growing us into maturity. Be patient. Know that “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” The vibrant leaves will emerge and the beautiful flowers will bloom again someday. Don’t let the weeds of doubt and bitterness crowd out what God is trying to accomplish. Be patient, and understand that suffering is what unites us to Christ. And who knows what new direction and new ministries may grow out of the deep pruning that God is performing in our lives at the moment. It may take time to see it but be patient, and one day you’ll be enjoying some lovely flowers that will show forth God’s glory!
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