Saturday, October 22, 2011


Aaron is particularly fascinated by anything that is not a usual part of his world.  One day he was telling us about his trip to the mall with his group.  He was very excited to have seen a woman whom he was trying to describe to us.  He was using hand motions to try to demonstrate what she was wearing.  He would start at the top of his head and then go downward over his body in a flowing motion as he tried to tell us what she was wearing. 

"You know,"  he said, "It's one of those loooooooong things that hangs down."  

"Oh,"  we replied, "was she a Muslim?" 

"No,"  Aaron answered.   So we thought for a minute longer and then it hit us.  "Was she a nun?"  I asked.     "Yes, yes - she was a nun!"  Aaron replied excitedly.

So I asked if this nun was there alone and Aaron answered, "No.  She had her children with her." 

Oh.  Well, you see, Aaron - this could be a problem.   Never mind.  Not important.

Aaron has recently seen the trailer for the new movie that's out, The Mighty Macs.  It's about a coach who goes to an all-girl's Catholic high school to coach their basketball team.  He saw the trailer again yesterday and was excited to tell me about it.  He had been telling us about "some basketball movie" that's out but now he understood it better.

"Mom, I saw the trailer for that basketball movie!  It has those nuns in it.  You know - those WOMEN nuns!!" 

Well, Aaron, I do believe that the only nuns you'll ever hear of are WOMEN nuns.  But if he sees a monk I greatly anticipate his description of that!! 


  1. I was just telling my Sweetheart about Aaron and your blog and todays' Topic of Choice. I am so glad you finally started sharing your Aaronisms with the world. Well at least part of it.

  2. Thank you so much, Eddie. I have no idea who reads the blog but I hope whoever does is blessed and encouraged - and maybe laughs a little!
