Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Making Music

Aaron came down for supper last night with a song on his mind, for whatever reason.  “Mom, you know that song that goes ‘Call on Jesus, call on Jesus….’?  Remember that song?  What song is that?”  He repeated his question several times as I tried to grasp in my memory exactly what song he was talking about.  Then it hit me.  “Aaron, you’re talking about Chris Tomlin’s Untitled Hymn.” 

As we ate, Gary took his tablet and looked up Untitled Hymn.  Soon the beautiful melody and the precious lyrics were filling the kitchen as we ate.  Aaron listened closely, affirming that this was indeed the song that he was thinking about.  Soon the song was nearly done, as Chris sang the touching verse about death:  “And with your final heartbeat, kiss this world good-bye.  Then go in peace, and laugh on Glory’s side – and fly to Jesus, fly to Jesus, fly to Jesus and live.”  Aaron got such a puzzled look on his face.  “Fly to Jesus?  Does that mean we’ll be angels?!” 

We talked about that awhile, and he wanted to know about why each verse has different words…………come to Jesus, sing to Jesus, fall on Jesus, etc.  We discussed the fact that this song shows the various stages of our Christian walk and then death at the end.  It was a sweet almost-ending to our day.

Until Aaron had to mention another music reference that also had stuck in his head.  “I was watching Yosemite Sam on TV and he told this girl to come to the cash bar, and then they would make some music together!”  Gary and I were silent as Aaron asked what Yosemite Sam meant, but Gary’s cheek had a twitch and his mouth was working hard not to grin.  I was a good girl and didn’t laugh TOO loud.  As Aaron carried his plate into the kitchen, Gary smiled at me and whispered a warning - “Don’t you talk to him about it!”

Oh, come on Gary!  Let’s show Aaron what it means to make some music together!!

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