Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Aaron's Descriptions

Aaron has such a fascinating way of describing things that he sees and hears. He is extremely observant and doesn't miss a beat.  That's why he's always finding money, for instance, that's laying on the ground.  I'll walk right by it but he stops and picks it up, whether it's a penny or a few dollars.

How many of us notice, or even care about, the Braille that's on many public signs?  Yesterday as we walked into the immunization clinic for Aaron's TB test, he paused and ran his fingers over the Braille on the sign at the door.  He said, "Look, Mom!  Morse code!"  HaHa!  I reminded him that it's Braille and he said, "Oh yeah!"  and marched on in to see what else he could discover or talk about. 

As we left the clinic we walked by a huge picture on the wall.  It's a beautiful outdoor scene that looks like it came from the mountains of NC or WV.  The picture shows a pretty stream flowing over rocks.  And Aaron said, as usual, "Look, Mom!  That's a picture of a running lake."  Now who would ever think to call a stream a "running lake."  But think of how appropriate that description really is. 

Yesterday morning before we left the house for our busy day, he was outside in the mulch.  It was a cool, fall morning.  That's what you and I say - a "cool" morning.  Not Aaron.  As he got in the van he said, "Mom, it's a half cold morning."  Not cold - not hot - so that makes it "half cold." 

He teaches me a lot and keeps me sharp, that boy does!

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